About Yána Eldaliéva

In 2019, Tië eldaliéva (Elven Path, or T-e) [the organization that established what is known as "Tolkien-based Elven spirituality"]> was given a donation of funds to establish an "Elven Church" (Church) for what is known as the "Elven Spiritual Community" (ESC). The job of making that happen landed entirely on the desk of the [now] Executive Director [ED] of ElvenSpirit; who was then a primary member of T-e's Inner Council [of leadership], which included her serving as T-e's Director of Operations. As such, she shepherded T-e from being a web-based community organization to being a (501(c)(3) charitable trust (Trust) and legitimate Church; she named the Church, "Yána Eldaliéva (YE)" (Sanctuary of the Elves); in keeping with T-e's name, (which means "Path of the Elves", or "Elven Path").

T-e's exclusively focused on Tolkien-based Elven spiritual practice; likewise, YE's ministry was solely focused on practitioners of T-e's particular representation of Elven spiritual tradition. Shortly after gaining I.R.S. approval of the Trust, the ED independently established ElvenSpirit to be a Trust serving the entire ESC. A very unusual set of circumstances forced the transfer of [the fiduciary duty to manage and advance] the Church to ElvenSpirit. Seeking to honor the exclusivity of its origins, the ED also established "Elven Spiritual Path" (Fëavanda Eldaliéva, another Trust operating under its auspices), with the same Tolkien-exclusivity of ministry. However, ElvenSpirit was given direct control of YE's administration; hence, (as ElvenSpirit serves to advance the breadth of the ESC, rather than only the Tolkien-based lane of the Path), YE's ministry likewise became universal; serving all who spiritually identify with, and/or resonate with Elves, (in all contexts; Tolkien, Starseed, Shannara, Universal, etc.).

Yána Eldaliéva officially launched on Yestarë [March 27/28], 2024; with very limited access. Why? Because (a) we intend this church to serve most optimally and effectively, and (b) Arda is in the clutches of both an intense, total solar eclipse, and a Mercury Retrograde; the influence of both may be felt circa 10 days before the actual [first] date of the event, and the influence of both may undesirably influence new beginnings--usually, both trash new beginnings. Since we opened our doors twelve (12) days before the former, we're in the clear, and too close for comfort. Therefore, complete access is being deferred until mid-May, after the Mercury Retrograde cycle, and its post-transit shadow have passed. We look forward to fully serving you, Elven Spiritual Community, when the celestial harmonies are more conducive to our success on your behalf.

(To date, [except the YE symbol, (created by Art of Pop), and the below Tengwar, (generated by Tecendil)], all images on this web site are AI-generated.)


About Yána Eldaliéva's Ministry

Yána Eldaliéva is both a ministry to, and a community of Elven clerics [who are aligned with YE's core beliefs]; however they may respectively S'Elf identify. Empowering such clerics edifies the ESC's laybody, therefore, meeting them where the rubber meets the road, YE serves such ministers, in part, by granting them ordination and ministerial support for their activities relative to the officiation of civil ceremonies; e.g. to enable them to perform custom, Elven-themed civil ceremonies.

About Membership and Ordination

Anyone may become a general member of YE, which enables them to access and read church blog posts; however, with the exception of one, general category, only YE ordainees are permitted to post, and to manage their posts on the blog. Ordination is free; subsequent to a general orientation regarding the significance of commitment relative to the choice to be hereby ordained. Respective ministers receive a watermarked .pdf file of their Certificate of Ordination; a print on demand fee is required to receive a formally printed, unwatermarked copy of the certificate. YE ordainees also have exclusive access to the church's social media platform, "YEs" (i.e. YE social), better enabling them to communicate with and grow together as a spiritual leadership community.